Converting a convetional farm to a natural farm is not an easy task.
But for sure, it's worth the effort.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Free Ranged / Pastured Pigs

Happy pigs doing their natural ways. Four months into ranging and neither a single mortality nor sickness hit them. One thing I noticed is that they don't squeal for food - which means they are comfortable with their environment and they are fed well. Being able to range allows them to feed on natural foods such as grass cuttings and insects.
A pregnant pig lounging around

The boar and the sow pot belly. She's also pregnant.

The white pigs from EJB farms. Look at their nice body structure. This is primarily because of they eat natural foods and they exercise (running). These white pigs are such runners - they can even outrun the native pigs.

Special thanks to EJB Farms (Pandi,Bulacan) for giving us Class A piglets. EJB Farms offer pigs with superior genetic lines as well. They also sell commercial pigs at a reasonable price:)

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