Converting a convetional farm to a natural farm is not an easy task.
But for sure, it's worth the effort.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Expanding the Herb Area

Lemon Grass, Thai Basil, and Lagundi. We started with just two cuttings of Lemon grass, thirty from-seed Thai Basil and three cuttings of Lagundi. You can see from this post that this plot of land used to be bare. Now the plants have grown bigger :)
The making of the new plots for the herbs.The pigs did their job by tilling the soil for us. Pigs are in the habit of unearthing anything from the soil as part of their natural behavior. In the process, they actually till the soil and at the same time make the soil rich in organic matter. We just added a little compost and CRH (carbonized rice hull) then sprayed the soil with beneficial microorganisms.  After a week, we planted cuttings of Thai Basil and Lemon grass. 

We continuously spray beneficial microorganisms such as EM, FPJ (Fermented Plant Juice), OHN (Organic Herb Nutrients), FAA (Fish Amino Acid), and Calcium from bones and egg shells to keep the soil healthy and thus, completing the plants' nutrient requirement as well :)


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