Converting a convetional farm to a natural farm is not an easy task.
But for sure, it's worth the effort.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Free range Pastured White Layers

Our White chicken layers
Please wait for our updated pictures and videos soon :)

They ate all the grass so they are now ready to be transferred to their new forage area:) There's still an abundance of insects and worms in the area.

Our laying area :)

First video of the white layers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Feed Making 101 - Pig starter

50kgs  of D1 (Darak)
10kg of US Soya
7kg Copra Meal

Then add the greens Rensonii, Flamengia, Indigofera, Mulberry, Ipil-Ipil, Malungay
Then add Duckweed. The total weight of the greens is 15kg
100ml IMO and 100ml Molasses

Then add the IMO and Molasses to 16 ltr of unchlorinated water
Pour the concoction to the mixture

Mix thoroughly

Lastly, put the mixture inside plastic drums and ferment them for a week in a cool dry place

Pigs love the mixture. They are fed with the mixture three times a day and snacks in between. Their snacking food consists of Alugbati, Duckweed, Kangkong, Kamote tops and various veggies from our own produce. There's no animal protein included in their feeds thus lessening or even zeroing propagation of flies and odors.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Pigs

After. We made an entrance to the ranging area

Scouting their new pastured land

Happy pigs in their natural habitat

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our Feed Pond (Duckweed+Ducks)

 First we have the feed garden now we have the feed pond - An accidental feed pond that used to be Bio-Gas for our swine manure. It's not operational now so we just let the rain water fill it up. It's about 30 feet deep!! We can harvest up to 200kg a day to feed our pigs, rabbits and chickens. It is known that duckweed contains as much as 11-48% Crude protein, very viable for livestock feed. Let us thank mother nature for this free food.
Peking and Muscovy ducks feeding. They have a big pond to play around and a eat-all-you-can Duckweed.